LGM's Latest update: Deeper Analysis, variables translation and more! 🤩
🚀 Refine Your Campaign Analysis Even Further
Exciting news for all users! The "Statistics" tab in your campaigns has received a significant upgrade. 🚠
Starting today, you'll have the ability to track the number of leads that have successfully converted from each channel or message. 🤩 This enhancement not only makes it easier to pinpoint the most effective channel in terms of response rate but also helps in identifying which one leads to the highest conversion rates.You can now determine if your leads convert more after the 2nd or 3rd message.
In essence, these new analytical capabilities offer a more granular view of your campaign's performance, enabling you to fine-tune your prospecting strategies more effectively.
It's time to ignite your prospecting efforts with these powerful insights! 🔥🙂
🎤 Gender variables are now translated into Spanish and German!
Customizing messages is crucial when conducting outreach. That's why, at La Growth Machine, we encourage you to use variables in your messages.
Following your feedback, we realized that limiting translations to French and English could be restrictive. Some of you had to resort to using custom variables to translate genders. 👇
But not anymore – we now translate them into German and Spanish as well! Enjoy 😉
Save Time with the new LGM Inbox Message Templates !
Are you tired of copying the same messages over and over again ? If you dreamed message templates for LGM Inbox, they dream no more 🥳 We just released it !
Create LinkedIn and Email templates straight from the Inbox, answer faster than ever.
1 - Create your template, using lead or identities variables
2 - Name and save your template
3 - Templates are available company wide ! All your team members can use them, from their LGM Inbox.
Magic what ? Magic Link ! It’s the new "password-less" login for your widget. Starting today, you won’t have to enter your username + password on the widget anymore. If your widget is disconnected, just click on the "Login with Browser" button, you will be redirect to your browser.
If you’re connected on your browser, you will be automatically logged in on your widget 👌🏾
If you aren't, connect on your browser & you will be automatically logged in on the webapp & your widget at the same time 👌🏾
With the new filters, you can have more informations about your leads:
Which leads open/click/reply to one message or many messages.
How many time a lead open or click your messages.
Since when you are in relation on Linkedin.
Which leads bounced.
& more!
And now, if a lead replied, you can see directly in your app the lead's reply content. All those data can be exported in a csv. Go analyze your campaigns!
Connect your Outlook/Office 365 email You can now use Outlook natively within LaGrowthMachine. While you could already connect Outlook accounts using SMTP, this native integration with Outlook will be a lot easier to use : - Log in and authorize LaGrowthMachine to send on your behalf - DoneConnect Outlook Natively
Fixes and improvements - Added {{CRMid}} in the payload of Webhooks and our APIs - Added {{phone}}, {{proEmail}}, {{persoEmail}}, {{linkedinUrl}} and {{crmId}} as variables availables in messages templating - Fixed email notifications after reaching LinkedIn limits that were sent too many times - Fixed duplicate management of leads imported via CSV
Automate with any email provider you want via SMTP LaGrowthMachine now supports automation from all email providers via SMTP.
Enter your email and password, use the Automatic Setup, and let the magic happen! Connect anything via SMTP! Using OVH? Outlook? You can now do automation via LaGrowthMachine!
Fixes and improvements - Added support of LinkedIn accounts that have multiple licenses (Sales Navigator, Recruiter, etc...) - Added synchronization of Twitter DM in Hubspot and Pipedrive - Fixed logging of Contact Requests sent via import in Hubspot and Pipedrive - Fixed ability to close the widget on Mac - Fixed primacy of imported data over enriched data
New Queueing systems Not very glamourous, but we've been hard at work revamping our action management system (i.e. Queue) so we may handle more clients over time.
This means for you : - More actions done daily - Faster synchronization with Hubspot/Pipedrive - Better synchronization of stats
It's all hidden - but it's all for the better!
Preview view copying messages Copying messages from multiple campaigns used to be a pain as you could preview the message you'd copy - just its title.
You'll now have access to a preview of the message Much easier!
Fixes and improvements - Fixed daily email capping - Added logging in Hubspot and Pipedrive when a lead is paused - Fixed stability of Gsuite token - Fixed LinkedIn identity showing as disconnected when was not disconnected - Fixed tracking of clicks on email - when two links were provided, only the first one was tracked - Transitioned external APIs to the APIv2
SPF/DKIM automatic checks LaGrowthMachine will send emails on your behalf via your Gsuite/Gmail account. But if some technical parameters are not properly set up, most of your emails will end up in spam.
LaGrowthMachine now automatically alerts you if these very important certificates are not set up. Oh something is wrong!
Head to the Identity Tab to check your setup and receive the appropriate guidelines
Fixes and improvements - Improvement management of duplicate in Hubspot and Pipedrive using firstname, lastname and companyName - Fixed saving of sequences when saved multiple times - Fixed sending email in the same thread that could fail - Fixed titles of copied messages
After two years of simplifying LaGrowthMachine, we've finally reached a point where we believe LGM is simple enough for anybody to use. You can now register and immediately access LGM! So long mandatory onboardings! Step 1 : download the widget!
Product Tours New product tours and inApp notifications have been added to help you get the most of LGM.
Product tours are not designed only for new users. We've added some automated insights you'll discover along the way!Powerful insight - Automated!
Fixes and improvements - Campaigns are now paused instead of stopped when a license is canceled - Fixed custom ending when using Webhooks - Improved support of special characters in Pipedrive - Fixed synchronization of leads in Hubspot/Pipedrive with Lead matching not set up - Fixed synchronization of Lifecycle in Hubspot if not respecting the recommended order
Merging Campaign and sequence together These two concepts are too similar and we noticed it created some confusion when you were first using LGM. We've merged both into a single experience that is much smoother for first-time users!
Request a review (BUSINESS plan only) As you know, 80% of what makes the success of an outbound campaign is its segmentation and copywriting. You can now request a review to verify just that. Our dedicated strategy support is a new key feature to help you succeed. Whenever you request a review, a dedicated outreach specialist will be assigned to make sure what you've built is up to the best standards.
Request a review
Fixes and improvements - Fixed stats not loading for old campaigns - Corrected VTA billing for non-French companies - Fixed ability to find leads in no audience - Improved support of lifecycle updates in Hubspot/Pipedrive with Email Open & Email Click triggers - Added the content of the email in the logs synchronized in Hubspot/Pipedrive - Added the content of the note in the log synchronized in Hubspot/Pipedrive - Fixed the synchronization of phone numbers in Pipedrive - Fixed the allocation of messages when a sequence is duplicated - Fixed visibility of daily stats in the Identity tab - Fixed preview of messages in the Engagement tab - Improved synchronization of every single email opens in LGM - Fixed stopping a lead so they may not re-enter a campaign